Call for partners EVS „Volunteers for Sustainable Lifestyle 2017”

Organization: CampoSfera Foundation
Project: „Volunteers for Sustainable Lifestyle 2017”
Location: Klimontow, Polonia
When: 01.02.2017-30.10.2017
The project will take place in Klimontow, a small village of 300 inhabitants on the border of three regions/voivodeship: swietokrzyskie, malopolskie, slaskie. The idea of working in a rural area is the base of the project.
The volunteers’ tasks:
Foundation CampoSfera (HO) is in the process of renovating the building of an old school and the area around. The role of volunteers is to help the HO team to adapt the building and the space around for the purpose of the Foundation activities. This will include:
taking care of the garden: weeding, planting, watering, sowing, harvesting, etc.
organizing the area according to the season: mowing, snow removal, raking leaves, etc.
works connected with building renovation: painting walls, drilling, nailing, cutting, furniture renovation, etc.
helping with small natural building construction: plastering with clay, digging foundations, forming natural bricks from clay and straw, etc.
All this work will be distributed according to the volunteers’ abilities and physical strength
Another part of the volunteers’ work will be connected with the local community. This will include:
organizing meetings with the local youth and children at least twice a week in CampoSfera building. The form of the meetings will depend on the volunteers’ and the local’s needs. It can take a form of workshop, film screening and discussion, volunteers’ mother tongue conversation meetings, board game playing, upcycling workshops or any other form, as long as it is safe for the participants and the volunteers
organizing English language conversation classes for village youth (frequency will depend on needs)
visiting schools and kindergartens to talk about the volunteers’ culture and language
providing guidance and support for local youth who would like to take part in international youth exchanges or volunteering (EVS or other opportunities)
All EVS volunteers arriving in CampoSfera will take a 2 month trial period when they will perform both kinds of duties (connected with adapting the building / space and with local community). After this period, the HO in consultation with the volunteers and mentor will decide where they settle in better and try to assign more suitable tasks. We accept a situation when a volunteer prefers to do both forms of tasks equally.
Foundation will offer the volunteers support in learning Polish language by organizing Polish lessons.
Volunteer’s profile:
The volunteers we would like to host should first of all be willing to live and work in the rural area and not be afraid of physical and outdoor works. We would especially welcome people who are interested in ecology, permaculture, gardening, natural building and alternative forms of social coexistence (for example cohabitating). Our main concern is that the volunteers will find the project interesting, personally developing, fruitful it terms of knowledge and skills and simply satisfying. In our opinion, people with the above mentione features and interest would feel most fulfilled.
Time and place of venue: February-October 2017, Klimontów (about 60 km from Cracow)
The volunteers will be accommodated in double room in the school building rented and renovated by CampoSfera. The volunteers will have access to kitchen, bathroom, chill-out room. The board members live above the school building in an apartment, where organization meetings may take place.
Organiser covers: Accommodat, Food, Insurance, Reimbursement of travel cost, Pocket money
Application deadline: 01/09/2016
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