Study Session “Think global, Learn international, Act local”

Deadline: 20 November 2016 at midnight (CET)
Open to: participants between the ages of 18 and 30 years old, from Council of Europe member states, Kosovo*, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Venue: 23 – 27 January 2017 in the European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary
Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe is announcing a call for participants for the Study Session “Think global, Learn international, Act local”. The event is taking place in the European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary in cooperation with the Council of Europe’s Youth Department from 23 – 27 January 2017. Participants are also expected to be available for online communication and preparatory work during the December and January before the Study session.
This Study Session will gather 35 participants with different backgrounds and offer them space to explore the role and evaluate the impact of international educational activities on youth work at local level based on the values and methods of NFE. We aim for a diverse group of participants, therefore we would like to gather people both with an extensive knowledge and background of non formal education, but also people coming from local youth organisations, who have participated in international youth events before and would like to share their experiences with the others.
The call is open for applicants coming from Council of Europe member states, Kosovo*, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
– Young people with medium and high experience in the field of youth work and non-formal education
– Members of youth organisations from Europe, who are involved in political work on the local level
– Young people involved in international networks that deal with youth participation
– NFE educators and facilitators as well as people incorporating NFE methods in their activism/work
– Young people engaged in youth policy making on national and international levels
Accommodation (lodging, food, refreshments) and travel costs are fully covered by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The participation fee is 50 EUR. The fee is deducted from the refund of travel expenses. The call is open for applicants coming from Council of Europe member states, Kosovo*, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Participants are expected to attend for the whole duration of the activity.
Criteria of gender, geographical and regional balance as well as diverse background of experience will be taken into consideration while selecting the participants for the Study Session. Youth workers from (or working in/with) vulnerable communities are particularly encouraged to apply. The session is primarily aimed at participants between the ages of 18 and 30 with some exceptions over the age of 30.
All the sessions of the event will be delivered in English, therefore the applicants are expected to have a working level of it.
In order to apply, register HERE
If you have any questions, check the Project page or write to:
- Our partners press:
- The official web-page.
This Study Session is organised in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.
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