Creativity Through Fairy Tales – Talebook

“Creativity Through Fairy Tales” is an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project which aims to use fairy tales as a means to improve imagination and creativity. The mobility was held from 1st June to 9th June 2019 in Horné Orešany, Trnava (Slovakia) and it gathered 35 young people from 7 different European countries (Slovakia, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Croatia). The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the Eu- ropean Union and supported by IUVENTA – Slovenský inštitút mládeže.
The general aim of the project is understanding the place of imagination and creativity in our business and social life today and to work on the importance of improving individual´s creativity, to search for the ori- gins of tales, to find ways to adapt the tales again to our daily lives and to use them as a tool for creativity, to create a “project tale” with the col- laboration of all participants in our project and also to pres- ent this tale as a theatrical performance, and in the end to create this Talebook.
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