Dance4Youth – Dynamics Adapted for New Collaborative Environments FOR YOUTH

Project title: „DANCE – 4 -YOUTH”
Location: Ramales de la Victoria – SPAIN
Date: 10-16 November 2019
Age: 18-30
Language: English
Participants: Spain, Romania, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal and Macedonia
The project was named Dance4Youth and the location was in Spain, in a region named Cantabria, in the beautiful village of Ramales de la Victoria. This project brought together participants from 10 countries, giving us the oportunity to meet new people, make unforgetable connections with them and learn about each of their cultures. All of this while learning and practicing all sort of dance coregraphies, under the profesional guidance of Katarzyna from Poland. We integrated quicker than we thought it would be possible, everybody being so kind and open minded, that in just one single week we became like family. We also had a really good time discussing emotional management with Oscar Argumosa, who made us understand more about what we feel and how to cope with emotions in order to be happy. Everything was on point and well established by our dear organisators, Leslie and David, from transport to accomodation, food and activities. We are grateful for everything. It was great to discover the beautiful village of Ramales de la Victoria and the city of Santander where we were amazed by the stunning sea sights. Of course we cannot forget about The Peninsula of Magdalena, which I think it was the most interesting place we visited in this project. The whole experience will certainly stay within our hearts and minds, it helped us grow and we are looking forward to more projects as amazing as this one has been. We also want to thank our organisation, Euro Education Federation, which we were proud to represent out there, for giving us the chance to participate in this project !

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