“Politica îmi pare, după atâția ani, sau până acum, a se ocupa cu dreapta și stânga, în loc de a fi preocupată de ceea ce este drept și ceea ce este greșit.” (Richard Armour)
”Politica este arta subtilă de a câștigă voturi de la săraci și bani de campanie de la bogați, cu promisiunea că vor fi protejați unii de ceilalți.” (Oscar Ameringer)
„Politics seems to me, after so many years, or so far, to deal with the right and the left, instead of being concerned with what is right and what is wrong.” (Richard Armor)
„Politics is the subtle art of winning votes from the poor and campaign money from the rich, with the promise that they will be protected from each other.” (Oscar Ameringer)
ITALY – Orange Vests protesters call for government resignation
USA – George Floyd death: Protesters rally in Berlin
CANADA – Montreal disintegrates into mayhem as anti-racism
ARGENTINA – Health workers scuffle with anti-lockdown demonstrators
SLOVENIA – Anti-govt bicycle
GERMANY – Hundreds of coronavirus sceptics
UK – Thousands join anti-racism rally
USA – Protesters attack police
BRASIL – Police Fire Tear Gas at Anti-Bolsonaro
BRASIL – Police clash with pro-democracy
USA – Tear gas and several arrests as Las Vegas
GERMANY – Climate activists protest
SERBIA – Hundreds protest against mandatory vaccinations
UK – George Floyd London Protest
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