„Niște oameni răi, extremiști, plătiți de Putin, protestează la Berlin, la Londra și la Paris contra „măsurilor” de combatere a cunoscutului virus SARS-CoV-2, după cum se știe, mai mortal decât ciuma neagră. În România, situația este, din fericire, sub control. Oamenii de bine stau de veghe patriei. Jurnaliștii prestează corespunzător. Cetățenii simpli execută întocmai și la timp”.

PS: Presa occidentală vorbește de „extrema dreaptă” și alți agitatori anti-covid. În fine, pregătiți botnițele pentru copii. Începe școala.

GERMANY – Protests against coronavirus lockdown measures continue in Berlin

FRANCE – Hundreds join anti-facemask protest in Paris

SWITZERLAND – Protesters against COVID measures flood Zurich

UK – Protest against coronavirus lockdown measures takes place in London

GERMANY – Night falls on Berlin protest against COVID measures after day of arrests

GERMAY – Protest against government and coronavirus measures takes place in Hamburg

BELARUS – Minsk Automobile Plant workers join anti-Lukashenko protests

ISRAEL – People gather in front of Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem for new round

BELARUS – Minsk Automobile Plant workers join anti-Lukashenko protests

BELARUS – Thousands takes to streets of Grodno in unsanctioned rally to protest election results

LEBANON – Protests continue in Beirut after government resigns

LEBANON – Clashes break out amid ongoing anti-govt. protests in Beirut

BELARUS – Thousands of women stage anti-Lukashenko protest in central Minsk

CHILE – Arrests made as hundreds protest against government in Santiago

GERMANY – Riot police detain dozens at anti-COVID measures protest in Berlin

UK – Thousands take to London’s Trafalgar Square to protest COVID-related measures

GERMANY – Several demonstrators detained at Berlin rally against coronavirus measures

ISRAEL – „We all had enough” – anti-Netanyahu protesters flood Tel Aviv

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