Este lamentabil ce se întâmplă în Biserica Anglicană! Citiți articolul semnat de Catholic News Agency! Comentariile sunt inutile!

A view of a Pride flag hanging from Peterborough Cathedral in 2019/ Shutterstock / foto:

As Church of England leaders meet in a contentious synod over whether to bless same-sex unions, tensions escalated when a diocese reported a lay synod member to police for “hate speech.” 

The Diocese of Coventry announced reported synod member Sam Margrave to the police after he reportedly posted his beliefs that same-sex relationships are sinful. The diocese is part of the Anglican communion and not in communion with the Catholic Church.

Margarve has been a vocal critic of Anglican Church leaders who want to bless homosexual unions and those who want to go further and perform marriages for homosexual couples.

Bishop Christopher Cocksworth of the Diocese of Coventry informed Margrave that they had reported him to the police, according to a news release from the United Kingdom-based Christian advocacy group Christian Concern. Fully on:

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MAGAZIN CRITIC – ziar online cultural, conservator. Nihil Sine Deo

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