Music for EU-ths 2023

The exchange took place between 10-20 September 2023 in the beautiful village of Capranica, an environment that gave us the space to connect with music, nature and each other.
Our sending organization, Euro Education Federation, was made up of young people from three different regions of Romania: Oltenia (Levi Tulpan, Stefan Dragu, David Dumitrescu), Banat (Daniel Belciug, Luca Ardelean), Bucuresti (Emma Serban, Ruxandra Pana).
Music for EU-ths provided the best context for social development and for creating music through Rhythm with Signs.
*M*oments and memories that are long lasting within us.
*U*nity still found among people with different cultures.
*S*tronger together than on our own.
*I*nitiative to bring a change to our own country.
*C*ommunity is built through music.
We met people from the other partner countries – Italy, Spain, Ireland, Germany and France – and together we were able to learn about the differences and similarities in our customs and history, to share our traditional foods, music and dances and to have fun.

Everything contributed to creating a safe space for authenticity, which allowed us to use our creativity during the entire project, from the intercultural nights to performing in schools and in front of other people. The project represented a great help to overcome our fears, step out of the comfort zone and use our talents. People created their own compositions and were always ready to give a hand and share their musical knowledge when needed.

The practical part of the project consisted in learning how to conduct an Improvised Orchestra through signs (Orchestra Improvvisata) and also how to play instruments that we have never even touched before. We also had the chance to spend a day in Rome and visit the cultural sites.
Something truly important during the project is that we all got to share our own feedback and impressions and everyone was considerate, encouraging and respectful towards their partners. Through the music, we were able to create relationships that are going to last.
This is one of our improvised songs
The project’s public playlist with our performances

Looking back at the whole experience, each one of us can say that has a second home in each of these countries because of the people that we have met.
We are really grateful to Erasmus+, to our home organization Euro Education Federation and to the Italian organizers of this project for giving us the opportunity to discover so many new things, which we can bring back and apply in our communities.
Article by team leader, Emma Serban
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