Deadline:  31 January 2017
Open to: PhD degree holders
Fellowship: 750 Euro per month, Accommodation, Travel allowance (up to 3 international travels ~ 1500 Euro);Research expenses (100 Euro per month); Fully covered participation in joint workshops (two per year).


The Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS Sofia) and the New Europe College (NEC Bucharest) announce a Call for Applications for their joint “TEACHING EUROPE” Fellowship programme. The programme targets academics – highly qualified young and established university professors – from (South) Eastern Europe in the social sciences and the humanities to dedicate themselves to research work oriented toward a specific goal: to lend the state-of-the-art theories and methodologies in the humanities and social sciences a pan-European and/or global dimension and to apply these findings in higher education. It thus seeks to stimulate excellent academics to integrate and translate their research findings into innovative teaching design.

In-residence periods at CAS and/or NEC should extend from minimum two to maximum five months within a year (but not more than seven in total). For the duration of the project Fellows could choose their in-residence periods flexibly and combine their university position with research at CAS and NEC.

During fellowship residencies, the selected Fellows are provided with excellent conditions for concentrated work and opportunities to benefit from the strong and productive international networks of academics and intellectuals in both institutes. They take part in the Fellow seminars together with the other scholars present in the respective institute and in the academic events organized by it. Fellows are assisted in all practical matters concerning travel, residence, and research in Sofia/Bucharest.

The NEC and CAS “TEACHING EUROPE” Fellows are convened once each semester for a joint seminar in either Sofia or Bucharest, usually in April and in October. At these meetings, renowned scholars and invited experts will provide special input. In the later phases of the programme, the Fellows themselves will be required to present short “progress reports” on their work. The opening workshop will take place on April 21-23, 2017.

At the end of their grant period, the Fellows are required to hand in a teaching material/didactic unit that demonstrates their accomplishments in the form of a course description, a model lecture, a textbook, or a didactic unit employing new media. The accepted items are collected and presented for open access on a common web platform of CAS and NEC.

There are no restrictions as regards the research topics of the Fellows. However, priority will be given to questions of particular relevance and to disciplines that would especially benefit from opening up to other fields of research, new methodologies or a wider geographical perspective, and from a trans-regional, distinctly European approach. (Examples of such themes would include: “How to teach history in the 21st century?” “Non-legal aspects of law enforcement”, “Critical perspectives on European governance”, “Contemporary forms of populism and authoritarianism”, etc.)


The programme targets well-qualified young and established scholars from the whole range of the humanities and the social sciences currently working at universities in Southeastern Europe; they should hold a teaching position (or be otherwise active in science communication). A good command of English is required.

Applicants should,

  • Hold a PhD degree and have teaching experience of no less than 3 years;
  • Demonstrate excellent academic achievements relative to their career stage.


The awarded Fellows are offered support to pursue their research and create didactic units (teaching courses, an innovative curriculum, a textbook, documentaries, or other forms used in higher education and public communication) in the following framework:

  • A seven-month in-residence fellowship (750 Euro per month) to be spent within a period of three years (April 2017 – March 2020);
  • Accommodation in Sofia and Bucharest, respectively, during the seven fellowship months, comprising living quarters and working space. The Fellows will also have free access to the CAS and NEC’s libraries and electronic databases;
  • Travel allowance (up to 3 international travels ~ 1500 Euro); 
  • Research expenses (100 Euro per month);
  • Fully covered participation in joint workshops (two per year).


Electronic application form presenting the candidate’s academic profile, teaching experience / courses and research proposal.




For CAS: Dimiter Dimov
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia; 7-B, Stefan Karadja Str,  Sofia 1000
tel.: + 359 2 9803704 / fax: + 359 2 9803662

For NEC: Irina Vainovski-Mihai
New Europe College, Str. Plantelor 21, 023971 Bucharest
Tel: (+40-21) 307-9910, Fax: (+40-21) 327-0774

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, please email:

The official web-page.


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