Victime într-un atac chimic din Siria!
CNN: „Russian claims that a Syrian airstrike on a „terrorist” ammunition depot caused the deaths…
CNN: „Russian claims that a Syrian airstrike on a „terrorist” ammunition depot caused the deaths…
CNN: „The world’s biggest mobile messaging service could soon allow tens of millions of users…
CNN: „At least nine people have been killed in an explosion on the metro in…
Peste 10.000 de persoane au manifestat duminică la Budapesta în sprijinul Central European University (CEU),…
CNN: „Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is willing to testify before federal and congressional…
CNN: «Russian President Vladimir Putin has described allegations that his country meddled in the 2016…
CNN: „Unbelievable, jaw-dropping, astonishing. Watch it once, watch it twice, watch it again and again…
Candace Claiborne, angajată a Departamentului de Stat al SUA, a fost pusă sub acuzare de…
CNN:«The UK government has formally served divorce papers on the European Union, signaling the beginning…