CED with volunteers from Turkey
In the period February and March 2018, within Erasmus+ EVS Programee, CED is hosting…
In the period February and March 2018, within Erasmus+ EVS Programee, CED is hosting…
Colegii noștri de la Center for Education and Development – CED ne-au informat că a avut…
La 22/04/2017 a fost finalizat cu succes proiectul intitulat „Consilierea carierei“ la Universitatea „Sf. Chiril și Metodiu“ din…
Potrivit Center for Education and Development – CED, 21 martie a devenit „Ziua Ecologiei” de zece…
Our partners, CED: „Local and urban communions are the main cell in the immediate concretization,…
„AND FINAL GROUP After the successful Exchange in Trogen, 40 children from…
Partenerii noştri de la „Center for Education and Development” au avut astăzi o întâlnire a…
Certificates for the participants and supervisors for their effort during these two weeks within…